ARB 2010
Siem reap, cambodia, may 20-22


The Rest of the World:

Mark Albon, LPG Solutions

Tahahiro Hibino, Itochu

Hiro Kakeya, Poten & Partners

DK Kim, SK Gas

JH Lee, SK Gas

David Schneider


Gunnar Bendiksen, Statoil

Andreas Justesen, Poten & Partners

Tore Krogsmyr, Statoil

Torben Pedersen, Fearngas

Kristian Sørensen, Steensland

Sebastian Venjar, BW


The Rest of the World    9 points                            Scandinavia    3 points


Mark Albon


Gunnar Bendiksen

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Courses played:

Angkor Golf Resort            (

Phokeetra CC                      (


   The Rest of the World


   The Rest of the World




  Albon & Johanna

Pedersen, Justesen, Kakeya, Schneider

  JH Lee & Johanna



Schneider & Johanna

Thursday 20 May

                                    ANGKOR GOLF RESORT

              Rest of the World:                                                         Scandinavia:

            Schneider/Kakeya                            V                               Justesen/Pedersen
            RoW win

            Hibino/JH Lee                                    V                              Bendiksen/Venjar
            RoW win

            Albon/DK Kim                                   V                              Krogsmyr/Sørensen
            RoW win
                                                            Result after day 1:
                                                            Rest of the World     3
                                                            Scandinavia               0
Friday 21 May

                                    PHOKEETRA CC

             Rest of the World:                                                          Scandinavia:

            Hibino/Kakeya                                V                                   Justesen/Mr. Par
            RoW win

            Hibino/JH Lee                                  V                                  Bendiksen/Venjar
            RoW win

            Albon/DK Kim                                 V                                  Krogsmyr/Sørensen
            RoW win

                                                            Result after day 2:
                                                            Rest of the World      6
                                                     Scandinavia               0
Saturday 22 May

                                    PHOKEETRA CC

             Rest of the World:                                                          Scandinavia:

            Schneider                                             V                                 Justesen
            RoW win

            JH Lee                                                    V                                 Bendiksen
                                                                                                                  Scandinavia win  

            Albon                                                     V                                  Sørensen
            RoW win

            Hibino                                                    V                                  Mr. Par
                                                                                                                    Scandinavia win

            Kakeya                                                   V                                   Pedersen
                                                                                                                     Scandinavia win

            DK Kim                                                  V                                   Krogsmyr
            RoW win          

                                                            Result after day 3:
                                                            Rest of the World     9
                                                     Scandinavia              3