ARB 2015



Andy Hoatson, Petredec

Andreas Justesen, Poten & Partners

Gunnar Bendiksen, Statoil

Jonathan Fancher, Petredec

Oliver Andersen, Poten & Partners

Romarin Maillard, Statoil

Rohan Unni, Tullett Prebon

Sebastian Venjar, Hesnes Gas

Tore Krogsmyr, Avance Gas

Torben Pedersen, Fearngas

Tom Rush, Gibson


Chanho Kim, E1

DK Kim, DK Broking

Hajime Agata, Ginga Petroleum

Hiro Kakeya, Poten & Partners

I.S Ryu, CCI

Jared Tang, Sietco

Kentaro Harada, Astomos

Nori Saito, Itochu

Sean Hwang, Clarksons

SK Park, Glencore

Takahiro Hibino, Vitol

Tommy Son, SK Gas




DK Kim


Tore Krogsmyr

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    A. Justesen, N. Saito, DK Kim, T Rush

   T. Krogsmyr, H. Agata, R. Maillard, SK Park

   O. Andersen, T. Son, T. Pedersen, J. Tang

Players of ARB 2015

    (Rohan Unni missing)

   A. Hoatson, C. Kim, S. Venjar, IS Ryu

   J. Fancher, G. Bendiksen, K. Harada, S Hwang

   T. Hibino, H. Kakeya


    The West     10.5 points                                                                  The East     9.5 points





 West:     1.5 POINTS                        East:     3.5 POINTS

 West:     3.0 POINTS                        East:     2.0 POINTS

       Result after day 2:
                                       West                             4.5
                                       East                               5.5

 West:     6.0 POINTS                        East:     4.0 POINTS

       Result after day 3:
                                       West                             10.5
                                       East                                 9.5

Until we meet again....

The graceful losing East team (Harada-san missing; busy setting up Gamebook). 

The West team was so focused on the task ahead that they never took a team photo... 


Woody Underwood (left) from Jesters Care for Kids presenting The ARB with a diploma for our contribution towards the charity

This year we collected a total of 82,340 baht for the Jesters Care for Kids charity in Pattaya.  It was great to be able to contribute a little for the needy kids in the region.  Our contribution was classified as a ‘Gold Plus Sponsorship’ and more info can be found on their website:

Click here to go to the 
next page (Danang)Danang_2016.html

Tired Champion Pedersen

Hoatson drinking from the trophy with Tang looking rather envious in the background

Despite winning the first match comfortably and being the highest points scorer in the history of The ARB, not every shot was perfect for Jared Tang

7th (!) shot out of the bunker
Tom Rush.  Allegedly

It wasn’t only about the golf:

Andersen & Harada

Champions Andersen & Justesen

SK Park

Venjar, Fancher, Tang,  Houtson, Rush

Results after day 1:

                                                         RESULTS DAY 3 - SINGLES:

                                        (Winners in Bold Italic Red)

CHANHO KIM                                            V                        SEBASTIAN VENJAR 

HAJIME AGATA                                          V                       TOM RUSH

HIRO KAKEYA                                            V                        GUNNAR BENDIKSEN

I.S. RYU                                                          V                        ROMARIN MAILLARD

JARED TANG                                               V                        TORE KROGSMYR

KENTARO HARADA                                 V                        OLIVER ANDERSEN

NORI SAITO                                                 V                        ANDY HOATSON

SEAN HWANG                                             V                        JONATHAN FANCHER

TAKAHIRO HIBINO                                   V                        ANDREAS JUSTESEN

TOMMY SON                                                V                        TORBEN PEDERSEN